Why Does My Child Need a Chiropractor?

Why Does My Child Need a Chiropractor?
By Dr. Justin Stokes: North Academy, Colorado Springs 100% Chiropractic A Wellness Center

The most underserved population in America is our children. Working with kids is the most drstokesrewarding part of my job. Kids respond much more quickly, they are happier when they are healthier, and they get the big picture.

When an adult walks into a chiropractic clinic they have years of untreated injuries. Those injuries over time continue to build and start to make degenerative changes to the spine. With kids we are able to work with them before those changes occur, which makes them healthier adults. It’s great when I get to adjust a baby because I know that they will grow up strong and healthy.

So the big question I’m asked is, “Why would a child or infant need to be adjusted?” Frankly, the answer is the birth process is traumatic. With the use of epidurals and c-sections the child rarely goes through the birth process without being tugged or pulled from the mother. Evidence of this is seen when you compare the incidence of ear infection in c-section children and those with natural birth. That is why I recommend for my family and friends to get their children checked out as soon as they come home from the hospital.

Children don’t have to live with ear infections. It has been shown that adjustments are more effective in treating ear infection than antibiotics or tubes. The research also shows lower rates of reoccurrence in children that have been adjusted. I’ve seen countless times first hand children have miraculous results with colic, digestive issues, sleep problems, anxiety, bed wetting, asthma, and tonsillitis just to name a few.

Many times when I tell people that I adjust children they are worried that it is possible to hurt the child because they are so much smaller. Just like your child wouldn’t need as high a dose of medication as you would, they also require less force than an adult needs. That is why it is important to find a skilled chiropractor that is comfortable working with children. The children that come in to our 100% offices love being adjusted, and are so excited to be there. This is because they are innately aware that they are doing something good for themselves.

Our mission is to change healthcare ideas in our respective communities. The best place to start is with the children that can grow into happy healthy adults through chiropractic. The biggest regret I have is that I didn’t receive my first adjustment until I was twenty-two. My mother also says that she wished she knew about chiropractic while my sister was getting repeated rounds of tubes and antibiotics for her ear infections. Since being adjusted my sister has not had an ear infection. Great things can happen when you remove interference in the nervous system and allow the body to heal itself.

It is important to get your children checked at an early age. We are dealing with an epidemic of unhealthy people in our country. The only way to change that is to get your children on the path to true health at an early age. That way they can live life at 100%.



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