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Everything You Need To Know…
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This year is VERY different from any other year where we have held the New Year / New You Competition. This year it will last 100 days!!! We also have a point system for you to win epic prizes monthly, and experts to help you along the way. Below I will go through everything you need to know.
Starting the week of January 4th, 2021 all of the 100% Chiropractic offices throughout the nation (40 locations) will be participating in a 100 Day New Year / New You Challenge.
The purpose of the challenge is to offer our patients a way to get their body and mind back into a positive place and overcome any obstacles or stressors that the lockdowns and fear of Covid-19 have created. Our worlds have been completely turned around with changes that have had to happen with family, eating routines, gym and workout routines, financial stressors, communication and social outlets, work structures, health fears, and so much more. 100% Chiropractic wanted to turn that all around and create a safe place where you can have positive reinforcement and accountability for working out, eating healthy, social activities, health routines, and creating a new kind of family!
The goal of the challenge for patients is to earn points monthly for prizes, and lose the highest amount of body weight percentage to win the grand prize of $5,000!
When you sign up to participate in the challenge you will get:
1. A logo’d gift bag that includes information about the challenge, a custom T-shirt, sticker, water bottle, a week-long cleanse kit, three supplements, and a massage gift card!
2. Discounted meal plans with HelloFresh
3. Weekly recipes sent right to your inbox
4. Weekly workout routines with trainers or seminars with health coaches
5. Group accountability and social activities
6. Access to discounted rates with personal trainers
7. Access to discounted rates with health coaches and nutritionists
8. One body detoxing massage
9. 13 Fit3D Scans (if applicable)
10. Monthly prizes for points
11. One big grand prize of $5,000!
You can win prizes in two ways…
1. Points
There are plenty of ways for you to rack up points! Below is a comprehensive list of all the ways to earn points and how much per activity. We recommend you come into your office to weigh-in weekly. When you come in for your weigh-in your 100% Chiropractic staff member will record your weight onto a spreadsheet, and ask you about your points and what you have earned and record those as well. At the end of the month, our corporate office will review the points company-wide, and complete a full audit of whoever has the most. If that person does not qualify for some reason, the next person who has the highest amount of points will be audited, and then whoever checks out will win a prize worth $200 for that month!
Heres how to earn points:
+8pts : Refer someone who signs up for the NYNY 2021 challenge.
+5pts : Per every progress photo and/or Fit3D body scan images submitted to casey@100percentdoc.com. (limit one per week)
+5pts : If you sign up for a full package with one of our trainers, nutritionists, or wellness coaches.
+3pts : Every 100 likes on a Facebook or Instagram social post posted by you.
+3pts : Every workout attended with one of our trainers (group or individual).
+2pts : Meetup group attendance (online or in-person).
+1pt : Social media post (must tag @100_percent_chiropractic on FB or IG, and use #100NYNYChallenge2021). (limit 3 per week)
+1pt : Per Fit3D scan/weigh-in. (limit one per week)
+1pt : Per every 100% Chiropractic’s newsletter/blog “Recipe of the week” made (can alter depending on diet preferences – consult one of our nutritionists for help!)
+1pt : Meal plans purchased from HelloFresh promo site. (point per meal purchased)
+1pt : Per every chiropractic adjustment. (limit one per week)
+1pt : Every supplement purchased.
2. Body weight %
Everyone who participates in the 100-day challenge has the opportunity to win the grand prize of $5,000 CASH! The winner will be whoever loses the most BODY WEIGHT %. How this is calculated is by: Pounds lost divided by starting weight. Then, multiply the result by 100. So, if your starting weight is 150lbs and you lost 5lbs, you’ve lost 3.33% of your body weight. Everything stems from the initial weigh-in. You must have an initial weigh-in and an end weight to qualify. You must also weigh in at your same 100% Office every time and submit either your Fit3D scan to your doctor, or have them watch you as you weigh in on a scale provided in their office. This rule is set to maintain consistency in weight, so all across the country are fairly recorded and submitted. When weighing in your weight will be disqualified if you are wearing bulky clothing like jackets or shoes, you cannot have anything in your pockets, and you must have a 100% staff audit your weight. Submitting a weight from your home scale does not count!
It will last for 100 days starting the week of January 4th, 2021, ending the week of April 12th. So, if your first weigh-in was Jan 6th, your last day of the competition will be Friday, April 16th 2021. The last day we will count weigh-in’s is the end of the 15th week – Sunday, April 18th (offices are not open on Sunday, so make sure you come in Saturday!). The overall winner will be announced (at the earliest) on April 22nd. This gives us enough time to properly analyze the stats and information provided.
Anyone who is a current patient with an office can participate. The definition of a “current patient” is someone who is in our computer system and has an office they can attend in person. You do not have to be signed up for a plan, just have your patient information in our online system. To win you must have at least three in-office weigh-ins throughout the competition.
Simply let your office know you would like to participate! You can submit your information to your local office through our website, in which a team member will call you and get your information. OR, you can go in person to your local office and let them know you would like to participate! The pricing structure is as follows:
If you sign up before November 30, 2020 : $349
Dec 1 – Dec 31, 2020 : $399
Jan 1, 2021 and after : $429
Have any more questions? Feel free to contact your local office or email casey@100percentdoc.com.
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Meet The Trainers
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We have worked so hard to hand pick the best of the best to help you along your journey. Not sure what workouts are best for you? Tune in each week for our features with each trainer and wellness coach. Not sure what food is right for you? Check out our certified nutritionists, dietitians, and/or wellness coaches to help guide you towards better health and specifics of weight loss that best suits your needs and lifestyle.
[/fusion_text][fusion_one_page_text_link link=”View all Resources” class=”” id=””]View All Resources >> [/fusion_one_page_text_link][fusion_gallery layout=”” picture_size=”” columns=”” column_spacing=”” gallery_masonry_grid_ratio=”” gallery_masonry_width_double=”” hover_type=”” lightbox=”yes” lightbox_content=”” bordersize=”” bordercolor=”” border_radius=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” class=”” id=””][fusion_gallery_image image=”http://100percentchiropractic.com/nynychallenge/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/katie_nutrilishus.png” image_id=”2936|full” link=”https://100percentchiropractic.com/nynychallenge/choose-a-trainer/katie-alfaro-wellness-coach/” linktarget=”_self” /][fusion_gallery_image image=”http://100percentchiropractic.com/nynychallenge/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/Screen-Shot-2020-12-01-at-1.20.33-PM.png” image_id=”3353|full” link=”https://100percentchiropractic.com/nynychallenge/choose-a-trainer/jeremy-watford-personal-trainer/” linktarget=”_self” /][fusion_gallery_image image=”http://100percentchiropractic.com/nynychallenge/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/unnamed-scaled.jpg” image_id=”3101|full” link=”https://100percentchiropractic.com/nynychallenge/choose-a-trainer/elma-panagaki-yoga/” linktarget=”_self” /][/fusion_gallery][fusion_title title_type=”text” rotation_effect=”bounceIn” display_time=”1200″ highlight_effect=”circle” loop_animation=”off” highlight_width=”9″ highlight_top_margin=”0″ before_text=”” rotation_text=”” highlight_text=”” after_text=”” hide_on_mobile=”small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility” sticky_display=”normal,sticky” class=”” id=”” content_align_medium=”” content_align_small=”” content_align=”left” size=”3″ font_size=”” animated_font_size=”” fusion_font_family_title_font=”” fusion_font_variant_title_font=”” line_height=”” letter_spacing=”” text_shadow=”no” text_shadow_vertical=”” text_shadow_horizontal=”” text_shadow_blur=”0″ text_shadow_color=”” margin_top_medium=”” margin_bottom_medium=”” margin_top_small=”” margin_bottom_small=”” margin_top=”6%” margin_bottom=”3%” margin_top_mobile=”” margin_bottom_mobile=”” text_color=”” animated_text_color=”” highlight_color=”” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_offset=””]
Don’t Want to Read? Here’s A Video!
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