Chiropractic Care For a Healthy Pregnancy

a pregnant woman outside in nature

Pregnancy is a beautiful experience, but it can also come with new and unexpected pains. As a woman’s body shifts and grows to accommodate the rapidly developing fetus, it can cause imbalances. Chiropractic care during pregnancy corrects musculoskeletal problems and helps the nervous system work at its best. An adjustment won’t just make you feel […]

NutriPack MOJO

NutriPack MOJO

How Seeing your Chiropractor Helps with Depression This month we are focusing on an issue that impacts the lives of many people: depression. The word is sometimes used casually to describe any low mood, but depression is much more serious, and it affects every area of a person’s life. Symptoms of depression include sleeplessness, a […]

Chiropractic Stress & Anxiety Relief

two people holding hands

Stress is a fact of life. In fact, a reasonable amount of stress can be a positive thing. It signals that there needs to be a change, mentally or physically, and can even be the beginning of the healing process. But when our bodies never have a chance to recover from stress, the negative effects […]

Benefits of Infant Chiropractic Care and Signs that Your Baby Needs it

infant on the ground surrounded by her toys

Signs Your Baby Needs Chiropractor Care You probably know when you need a chiropractic adjustment—whether it’s back pain, frequent headaches, or fatigue and lack of focus. Adults recognize the reliable signs that their body is out of balance, but babies can’t tell you what’s bothering them when they’re uncomfortable. Even though they can’t communicate it, […]

5 Chiropractic Benefits to Help You Heal

chiropractor treating patient with shoulder pain

Most people seek out chiropractic care when they’re suffering from back pain. This makes sense. It’s logical to expect that gentle realignment of the spine will help your body heal from the imbalances that cause back pain, but it can also help with many other, seemingly unrelated problems. In fact, you might be surprised by […]

Migraines and Chiropractic Care

man holding head with bad migraine

Treatments that Actually Help Migraines There are plenty of statistics about migraines, but if you are one of the 39 million people in the United States who suffer, you already know how much they can affect your life. Migraines are the third most common illness in the world and the sixth most disabling illness. In […]